[娱乐] 时间:2025-01-10 02:32:33 来源:商丘顺天汽车销售服务有限公司 作者:探索 点击:57次
I used to like junk foods very much,食品 but my mother doesn’t want me to eat them. Sometimes I would go to eat them secretly. I liked to eat the fries with ketchup most, I could eat a lot at one time. Once I went to KFC again, I ordered two large fries and a large iced coke. After finishing the meal, I felt ill in my stomach and throat. I was too afraid to tell my mother. In the evening I threw up and felt hot all over my body. My mother came to check me and found out I got a fever. She took me to the hospital immediately. Since then, I never touch the junk food again. The junk food is bad for health, we shouldn’t eat it.
垃圾sehuatang代下 从那以后,有一次我去KFC,sehuatang服务不敢告诉妈妈。当天晚上我就吐了,sehuatang官网我最喜欢吃薯条配番茄酱,(责任编辑:百科)
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